“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” (Romans 14:12)
Are you honestly prepared to do that, have you taken the time to contemplate what you are going to say to the Lord when you sit down with Him, which you will do, and He says to you, “What did you do in the life that I gave you that glorified me?” Perhaps you could say, “Thou knoweth Lord,” and He might reply, “Yes, I do, but I want you to tell me.”
You know that we can do nothing without Him, you know that it was the Holy Spirit working through you that these works that will last throughout eternity were accomplished, that without your submission to His will there would be no rewards, no treasure, yet He will still want to hear those deeds done from your lips. I do not believe we will be glorified before that moment, for in our minds the glorified self will see clearer, through the glass no longer dark, and we will have the ability to understand our actions and inactions in this life with greater clarity and understanding.
There is one thing you must recall here, and you must frame it in your mind as truth, since you are before the Lord, you are going to enter into His Kingdom, you are saved by His grace, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1) You will give your account. But there are always two sides to every coin; not only your actions, deeds and words will be expressed by you, but your inactions as well.
“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)
He is going to look at you with a love that you did not believe could ever exist, with compassion that you have never experienced, but you will answer to His questions, for in this life you have been accountable for every action you performed, every deed done, every word spoken and thought that you had, you, and you alone are accountable for you.
I believe each of us will feel a form of nervousness, not just because we are in the presence of the One who created all that is, but because it is time to answer for ourselves, but you must remember this above all things, this is not a test to see if we will spend eternity in the fulness of joy where there are pleasures forevermore, from the moment of your salvation you were hid in Christ, you have been the righteousness of God in Christ since that day.
The One to whom you have been responsible to for all those years wants to know how you served Him, what did you do with the gifts He gave you, how did you increase those coins He placed in your hands? Are you preparing for that moment?
Many when they think of heaven skip right over this I believe, they envision themselves walking in the Kingdom of God, of seeing those they loved here who also gave themselves to Christ, of the wonders of streets of gold and perhaps meeting one that was actually written of in the Scriptures, but they do not contemplate that account they will give before they even walk through that straight gate.
He will want to know and you will tell Him, He already knows, but He will want to hear it from your lips. Consider these words well, for it will happen. Each day brings that moment closer, are you prepared or nervous, are you excited or fearful?