Borrowed Truths

Answer The Question

answwer the question
Picture of Borrowed Truths

Answer The Question

I would ask those of you who believe yourself to be saved by the grace of God, the born-again believers, this one question, do you believe that the time of the Gentiles is coming to an end, that the rapture is going to happen soon, and if so, why?

Now, I am pretty sure that in an instant your mind just flashed a lot of images upon you, wars, rumors of wars, (Matt. 24:6) earthquakes in divers places, (Luke 21:11) famine, floods, everything that is relevant to these days in Matthew 24 and many other places of the Scriptures, perhaps even the flu and all of the new laws and restrictions being placed upon mankind all around the planet, all that is well and good, so to speak, for not only are we to “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28) But we are to comfort each other in these times. (1 Thess. 4:18)

Here though is where I make it personal, something I have found over the decades, no matter the subject matter, that forces people to look at themselves and, hopefully, see the truth within them. So then, back to the main question, and I will now modify it to make it more personal, if you had no knowledge of all those items I just mentioned that are occurring all around the planet, would you still believe these are the last of days? What in your own personal walk would cause you to believe that we indeed are being prepared to go home?

I will say this with no pride or self-centered observation whatsoever, but speaking personally, which is what this letter is about, almost three, perhaps four years ago now the Lord led me to begin reading different books, books written by men centuries ago, men of God who had one purpose in this life, to glorify God. They have brought me much wisdom and have opened my eyes to the Scriptures in ways I was not expecting. At the same time, He began by His Holy Spirit to modify my prayer life, to be filled with the knowledge of His will, (Col. 1:9) for spiritual discernment, (Phil. 1:9) for wisdom, (Prov. 4:5) to have a heart that can discern between good and evil, (1 Kings 3:9) and for truth, to know truth. Almost one and a half years ago, He put a pen and a piece of paper in my hand and told me to start writing. Last year, the videos on YouTube began to be produced. I am not the man my beautiful wife married, and she is not the woman I fell in love with.

This is how I know, the flu, the lockdowns, the vaccination attempts, the blatant lies, all of those hold no sway over what He has been making me into, they come into both the letters and the videos occasionally, but they are not the purpose, the purpose is to glorify God, to encourage the brethren, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, to convict all who will listen. This is how I know; I know from the words that flow from this pen, from the replies that I make to hundreds of people each month on YouTube, I know because it is not me doing it, but Christ in me.

So then, that personal question, without comparing what, if anything, that you have been called to do against anything that He has led me to do, “And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.” (1 Cor. 12:21) I know that the time is short, I don’t just “feel it,” I know it, for He has shown me by changing me into what I was not, and I have witnessed my lovely wife begin the transformation into a Proverbs 31 woman.

Those who will stand in these last days will be changed, for standing changes us, the Holy Spirit changes us into the image of the Son of God. Now, answer the question.

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Never Enough

To those of you who are continually seeking the face of God without breaks, praying to know His

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