Let’s start with one hundred million people, about two percent or less of the world’s population as of today, give or take. What do you suppose would be on the news tomorrow if one hundred million people died, do you suppose that the news media would have anything else to talk about, for a few days at least, maybe break in for a quick update on the weather? Do you think that there would still be commercials, after all, somebody has to pay the bills, how long would the coverage last?
Let’s jump that number up to say a little more than ten percent, around one billion people dead in one day, are you, if you’re not one of them of course, going to go to work that day, after all, somebodies got to pay the bills. My friends, expect more.
I am no prophet in the terminology of all the false prophets that are so prevalent today, but approximately eighty-five percent or more of the planet is not mentioned at all as being part of the tribulation period, no western hemisphere, no far eastern countries, not Australia, or Greenland, just this one, the revived Roman Empire. (Daniel 2:41-43, 7:7) If you check the historical maps of the time when Rome ruled the known world, you will see that it is a very small area in comparison to the entire planet. And where are the most stringent lockdowns taking place, where are vaccination documentations, at the time of this letter to you beginning to be enforced, the countries that inhabit the land of that ancient but not yet dead Roman empire.
Some Bible teachers will do all they can to try to say that their country will be here, misinterpreting and pulling out of context verses that they will use to attempt to ease their congregations mind, but if you are truly a child of the Most High God, what does that matter to you? “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” (Luke 21:36)
We will not be here during the tribulation period; we hold a very special reservation to a marriage feast and God Himself is going to make sure that we are not late. How much more travail before we go home? As I said, I am no prophet of future events, no one alive is, we have the complete Word of God and we are to live by faith, not sight, (2 Cor. 5:7) so again, does it really matter? If we are here to glorify God, (1 Cor. 6:20) if indeed we are to go into all the world, (Mark 16:15) if we are to rejoice in tribulation, (Romans 5:3) then what difference at all should it make to us where and in what form God has chosen to use us, we are to remain obedient and willing servants no matter the circumstances.
I would ask you this, what in this life do you plan on reminiscing about a few hundred years from now, when the millennial period is occurring, the days the bombs fell? I think not. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” (Rev. 21:4) This will not only not come to mind in the new heaven and earth, but what possible use would reminiscing about the “bad-old days” do when your home is heaven.
Billions of people are going to die soon, and most will not see heaven, “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matt. 7:14, nearly every form of life on this earth is going to perish during those seven years. If you think the news is something else now, just imagine what it will be for those who will be left behind. But instead of imagining, instead of worrying, which is a sin by the way, (Phil. 4:6) instead of idle conjecture, we are to occupy, (Luke 19:13) we are to be hard at work and submissive to the leading of the Holy Spirit each day.
These things, at least as far as the Scriptures are concerned, and not my so-called deductive reasoning ideas, are going to happen, we know where we are going, our responsibility is to let others know that there is an invitation available to them also.